
By Brandon Stolz

Loial looked around the room. In it sat almost every major ruler of the time. Egwene al'Vere, the Tamyrlin of the refurbished White Tower, sat at what could be called the head of the round table. Next to her sat the one of the late Dragon Reborn's many wives. Elayne Trakand looked all the former beauty of which she had at a younger age as well as the maturity she had gained over the years. On the other side of Egwene sat Mat, now co-ruler of Seanchan. Many others sat around the table. All of them had gathered here to discuss the world issues.

After Tarmon Gai'don, the rulers decided that they needed a way to keep at peace. Their plan, the League of Nations. Once a month they would all meet at an ever moving location. Each nation would take their turn hosting the gathering. All of the leaders would either use a gateway to the meeting place or request Asha'man or Aes Sedai assistance to get there. The meetings would usually last a day or two, just long enough to go over all the new events.

Loial had been sitting watching this meeting for close to two hours so far. He was waiting to present his problem to the league to find out what they would do about it. He had been chosen as a representative of the Ogier due to his extensive contact with the Humans outside of the stedding. Loial jumped out of his chair when he heard his name called.

"Loial, you have been called on to speak," Egwene looked at him like he had done something wrong. He walked over to the podium set near one side of the table. He dwarfed the tiny man size wooden structure.

Slowly he looked at all the faces around the table. There were some young and some old. Some were almost ageless and others showed their age all too well. Loial took his time trying to address everyone as he spoke. "The Ogier and the White Tower have begun a project to make the Ways useable by one and all. Since the taint has been cleared off Saidin, the Ways have lightened up again and the Black Wind has fled with it. The only large problem left with the Ways other than the degradation is the Trolloc nests that have spawned from its use. The truth is the Trollocs are no problem compared to the fact that we are missing a vital part of making the ways useable again. I know you all like things short so I will make it so. Long ago, we Ogier lost the Talisman of Growing which grows the Waygates for the Ways. We need it back for the progress to get any further. I call upon you, the League of Nations, to help us in our time of need." Loial let out a breath as he finished. He turned back to his chair, larger then normal chairs to fit his large frame. As he sat, the Lord of Shienar stood up.

King Mitato Togita spoke loudly and clearly, "I also have a problem which needs someone we can trust." At the end of his words, many others began standing and calling for action. The noise slowly rose till none could hear any other. Through it all broke a strong voice obviously enhanced by something unseen, "SIT AND WAIT YOUR TURN." Egwene let out her breath as the room suddenly became quiet.

Min suddenly stood up from the corner she had been sitting in and spoke, "I think I have an answer." The table slowly turned towards her watching and waiting. "I have seen it in my son. He and nine others are to go out from here. Each person will be chosen from a large group of people. Those people will be chosen from each of the countries whose rulers reside here today. Over this next month, you will watch for three people who catch your eye. You will know who they are. On this day next month, we will find our ten youths and send them out."

Loial watched as he looked at the rulers of the nations. Egwene looked at them as well and Loial thought he saw a smirk. Perhaps Egwene and Min had planned this before. Either way, this was the beginning of a new story.