Will Cuthbert

Last Edited:July 25, 2003

Description: Being tall, blond, and blue eyed, Will's accent is the only thing that says he's from Andor. He wears a chain shirt to cover his upper body from wounds. The rest of his clothing is forest colored in browns and greens. He wears the color shifting warders cloak proudly with a sword at his hip whose blade will never dull. Atop his horse, Alan, he looks proud and strong. In the forest among the trees, he is hard to catch sight of before it is too late.

Role: Will is from the past compared to the main part of the group. Will became the groups Wolfbrother, taking over ownership and control of Shade, the groups mascot, when Hanzen left. He is both a warder and a wolfbrother, leaving him confused on his situation. Will used his warder cloak and his knowledge of woodland stealth to help scout. He stood on the front line of battle, keeping those of lesser strength safe to use their skills. He stayed with the group till the one day when his lost love and the Aes Sedai who bonded him suddenly returned to the world. He left with the message that he would always keep their secret.


