Shadar Mordero

Last Edited:July 25, 2003

Description: The first look at Shade gives him the appearance of a giant wolf; almost the size of a horse. The second glance shows two batlike wings upon his back, slightly too small for his size. The third and fourth glance show scales instead of fur and an intelligence in his eyes beyond that of any normal wolf. Shades silver scales help him blend in with the snow or sky as well as helping him look like a normal wolf from a distance.

Role: Shade was the first technical follower of this party. The group hatched him and raised him from an egg. Hanzen's first wolf experience was at Shades hatching when Shade mistook Hanzen for his mother. Shade cannot talk, far from it, he speaks like any other wolf, if not with more words and fewer images. He is strong and the groups mascot. After returning to the future, Shade now travels with Hanzen through the wilderness, helping the party now and again when they cross paths.

