Krishena of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel

Last Edited:July 25, 2003

Description: Typical Aiel Maiden of the Spear, Krishena is one of the deadliest members of the party. With great speed and quickness, her spear strikes opponents without fail. Agile on her feet, Krishena's only flaw is her personality. With the personality of a rock and a face to match, few have ever tried flirting with her, and those who have rarely lived to regret it. Unfortunately one of the daughters of the Cara'carn and Wise One Avienda completely and utterly lacks the spark.

Role: Krishena's stealth is unmatched. Her fighting ability is uncontended. He ability to stay out of harms way if she wishes is perfect. But Krishena is usually first into battle and first out. Any enemy who goes right after her usually prefers to take a swing at her over running to find someone easier to hit. Having been completely surrounded before any help has arrived has happened more then once and perhaps explains her looks. Krishena now aspires to further herself in her clan and sept. She has left the party.

