Gherit Trakand

Last Edited:July 25, 2003

Description: His height and red hair speak of a lineage other then that of the Andoran background he comes from. Well muscled at the age of 20, Gherit has the look of a young veteran. His royal blood shows through the clothing he chooses to wear as well as the equipment he owns. Currently equipped with chain armor that sparkles in the sun as well as a beautiful shield with the symbol of the Dragon emblazoned on the front, he is easy to recognize. His weapon of choice looks and seems to be little more then a well made blue glass hilt. But when it is drawn from its cradle on the inside of the shield, a blade of gray air seems to rise from the crossguard. Riding atop one of the finest heavy war horses of the region, it is easy to notice his commanding presense.

Role: Gherit's role in the group used to be that of the commander. He was first in thinking up strategies in battle as well as out. While not the greatest of fighters, his skill with the horse is unmatched by any other in the group. Only outshown by Saman'tia, Gherit is the figurehead of the group. Recently he has left the group to undergo more intesive training under his uncle, Gawyn, even as far as having a legion under his command.


Two Years in Malkier

