Chapter 1

By Brandon Stolz

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that fade to legend.   Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.   In one Age, called the Fourth Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the city of Caemlyn.   The wind was not the beginning.   There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time.   But it was a beginning.

Springtime bore many a windy day in the city of Caemlyn.   Windows were wide open, and kids were running through the streets.   Wives did their spring cleaning as husbands did chores forgotten during the winter months.   Even the Palace of Andor was busy, but it had a different task at hand.   Cooks had been making a feast for a great occasion.   Servants ran to and fro on tasks, getting ready for some big event.   Some were making up rooms for many guests expected to show, while others were bringing messages from one person to another.   Everyone in the palace seemed to be busy doing one thing or another, all except one person that is.

Gherit had been packing his clothes in his backpack slowly, not wishing to be done so quickly.   The cool spring breeze that blew in through his window made him think of his sister.   He had been quite lonely since his Andira had left for the White Tower.   Gherit’s Uncle, Gawyn, had been training him to take control of Andor’s army one day, but that day was far from close.   Due to his mother’s secondary occupation, she may be ruling till he died from old age.   She had finally given him permission to leave and see the world as she had at his age.   Gherit was not in a hurry to leave the home that he had known for his whole life.   He had been elsewhere before, but only on official palace business, he had never gotten to enjoy it.   Just as he leaned back over to finish packing the last of his clothes into his backpack, there was a knock on the door.   Gherit looked up and said, “Come.”

A servant stuck his head in through the door.   He had a youthful enough appearance to show that he hadn’t been working there long.   The servant quickly stepped all the way into the room before quickly bowing to the Prince of Andor.   “Sorry to intrude, my Lord, but the Queen has summoned your presence immediately.”   Gherit’s eyebrows rose in slight surprise at the message before he waved the servant away.   The boy quickly stepped out and closed Gherit’s door behind him, obviously on his way to another person with another message.

Gherit silently pondered what his mother wished his presence for as he finished packing his backpack.   He closed the window just before leaving, not wanting the cool wind to blow things around after he left.   He shut his door behind him quietly, making his way down the hall.


Elayne looked up as her son entered into the throne room.   He quickly looked at the two other people in the room, sitting in chairs quietly waiting.   As he took the final empty seat, she stood and slowly moved down the steps from the throne.   The other two boys in the room could not have been much older than her son.   She stopped directly in front of the three boys before she began speaking.   “All of you know I summoned you here, but none of you know the reason.   My reason is to request that you all join me at my banquet tonight.  Many others are coming, and it is you three whose presence I wish to be there.”   She paused to let it sink in.   Gherit seemed slightly surprised at the invitation, but the other two were looking at her like she was mad.   She smiled while she thought about what backgrounds they had come from.   She started again from where she had left off.   “While I host this event, I am not in charge of it.   I am allowed to bring three guests along and I chose you three.   Now my question to you is, will you join me tonight?”

Gherit sat in thought for a second before standing.   Both other youths looked at him as he stood.   “I accept your invitation, my Queen, you grace me with your kindness and for that, and I will join you tonight.”   The other two boys jumped up as he finished, noddin in agreement.

Elayne nodded, having known the answer before she asked.   “My servants will take you to each to a room.   You may bathe if you wish and if you don’t have appropriate clothing for a banquet at a palace, they will find you something appropriate.”   She watched as two servants entered the room just as she finished.   Her son looked like he had something to say before leaving, but the other two seemed to wish to be out of her presence as quickly as possible.   They made hasty bows and quickly followed the servants out.   As the door to the throne room closed behind them, she sighed and walked over to her son.   She looked at his face as she walked over, thinking about whom he had grown up looking like.   “You remind me so much of your father, you know, every year you look more like him.”

Gherit looked at his mother and grinned.   “Mom, I hope you haven’t changed your mind about me going.   How am I supposed to fall into the garden of the one I’m destined for if I’m not allowed to see the world like dad did?”

Elayne sighed again, so much like his father.   “You’ll spend one last evening with your poor old mom before you leave me alone, won’t you?”   She looked at him giving her best lonely mother face.

Gherit’s laugh rang throughout the room.   “Mother, you are neither poor nor old.   Of course I will stay tonight.   I would never turn down dinner and activities with my favorite mother.”

Elayne looked at her son with a stern eye.   “I’m your only mother you hooligan, now go get ready before guests start arriving.   I’ll not have my son looking like a poor sheepherder at a royal banquet.”

Gherit looked down at his traveling clothes and smiled.   “As you wish mother, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”   He bowed quickly to her before making his way out and back to his room.

Elayne frowned to herself.   If only I could tell him why I invited him to my banquet, oh well, the Wheel of Time turns.   Now what had I been working on?   Elayne turned back to the throne and walked up to the small table sitting next to it.   She picked up the papers and began looking through them as she had been doing earlier.   She sat back down in the throne losing herself in the duties of a queen.


Moiraine was first to step through the gateway to Andor.   She looked around the small chamber specifically designed for the purpose of traveling.   There were a few pictures on the walls but otherwise it was quite empty.   Next to the door out of the chamber stood one of the palace servants, obviously waiting to bring them to the banquet.   Moiraine wondered what the banquet was about, all she had been told was to pack traveling things.   She set her bag on the floor as she turned around to wait for the others.

One Accepted and one Dedicated stepped through the portal quickly and moved off to the side before setting down their bags.   They then turned like Moiraine had done to wait for the rest of their entourage.   In total, twelve Aes Sedai and twelve Asha'man stepped through the portal before the person holding it.   With all the people, the room was quite crowded.   The Tamyrlin came through the portal last before closing it behind her.   She glided over to the servant who had been waiting before motioning to him to bring them to the banquet.

Moiraine picked up her bag as the Aes Sedai and Asha'man moved through the small doorway.   After all of the others had gone, Moiraine followed behind, silently wondering what could be so important as to bring this many channelers.


Lys'sara stepped into the Great Hall of the palace.   King Beslan pushed her ahead as she was forced to follow the two others in front of her.   She hadn't been too happy when the King's Royal Guard came upon her in the streets of the Rahad.   All she had been doing was enjoying her lunch when a group of them came storming down the street.   She had tried to hide, but they weren't as easy to fool as the normal city watch.   They had to drag her, kicking and punching all the way to the palace.   They hadn't even shown the common decency to dual her when she challenged them.   Then the King asked her to come to this banquet, as if she had a choice.   She had been so much better off in the streets, doing no harm and minding her own business.   She had agreed, grudgingly, but then they went further and stuffed her into this dress.   Whoever made this dress hates women.   Two nobles had come along then and joined their little group.   They had gone to some special room, some lady had waved her hands around, and now they were here.   Beslan pushed her again to keep her feet moving.

As Lys'sara looked around the room, she saw many tables with twice as many benches.   Each table was made to fit a dozen or so people and they were all mostly full as it was.   There were eight or nine tables in the room and a large area with cushions.   Lys'sara's eyes went wide as she realized two or three dozen Aielmen sat on those cushions.   She quickly moved off to a table away from them.   She sat down with some other women who weren't dressed all too spectacular.   It was at this time she noticed King Beslan making his way to a larger table at the head of the room.   The people who were sitting at it already didn't look like minor lords and ladies.   The only thing they could be was the kings and queens of the Westlands.

Lys'sara continued to watch as those around her made idle chit-chat.   Others were arriving by the minute.   Three obvious Borderlanders entered, each with their warrior topknot.   One had a slightly more worn look about him that said he didn't spend a lot of time in the city.   Shortly after that, a group of three scantily clad women entered.   They were obviously Domani.   Every man turned his head to watch those three enter.   Lys'sara had begun to notice a pattern.   Every King or Queen entered with three lesser class people following.   She looked around and realized that all of the tables were almost full now.   Whatever was going to happen here was about to start.

Thom sat silently waiting for things to begin.   There wasn't a chair left in this large room.   Thom's eyes stopped on one woman whose eyes were roaming about.   She had a sneer on her face as if she didn't like anything that was happening.   She saw Thom looking at her, gave him a look like she was ready to kill someone, and turned back to her table.   Servants began entering the room laden with trays of food.   They started setting things out on each table, from rolls, to pig, to fruit, to many other types of food.   This was the best meal Thom had ever eaten.   Even his grandfather, Tam al'Thor, never made meals this good.   His mom had come home from Lord Perrin's house one night about a month ago and told him he was invited to this banquet by the Lord of Manetheren.   He was so glad he hadn't turned it down.

The noise in the room had grown from a dull roar to something quite greater.   Thom ignored the noise around him, paying more attention to the food in front of him.   His mother had always told him he'd grow up and do great things one day, just like his father, but Thom never believed her.   Thom was just a simple woodsman.   He spent most of his days on patrol out in the woods and plains of Manetheren.   He looked over to the large table and saw his mom talking to his Aunt Aviendha.   Thom had only met the Aiel Wise One once before and that was almost ten years ago.   His mom talked about her and his Aunt Elayne almost every day.   There was always some new adventure or something that she hadn't told him yet.   The truth was Thom had stopped listening to her years ago.   He had heard every story of hers twice over and then some.   Thom more enjoyed the open fields where he could be alone in the quiet with nothing but his stout Two Rivers Bow and hunting knife to keep him alive.   His mom had also told him to train with the sword.   She said he'd need it one day.   It was about this time that Thom realized there was no more food on his plate.   He quickly served himself another portion before digging in again.


Hanzen looked up from his slowly dwindling plate of food. As people had been filling themselves up, the noise level of the room had quieted some. It was more of a small mob instead of a large one. He looked over to the two tables of Aes Sedai and Asha’man. He silently wondered what could be so important as to draw so many channelers to one place. Whatever was happening today, Hanzen would much rather be deep in the woods of Shienar. His king had sent for him while he was on patrol. It had taken Hanzen close to a week to reach Fal Moran. When he got there, the king asked him to come here. It would have been dishonorable for Hanzen to turn him down so now here he was. Hanzen looked down suddenly, realizing that his plate was empty.

Servants started coming through the tables, clearing plates and food. They left cups and mugs and other servants came in to refill those. The room quieted down suddenly and Hanzen looked around to find out why. A short woman had stood up on her chair at the royal table as Hanzen had been calling it. It took him a moment to realize the short woman was the Tamyrlin Seat.

The room wasn’t completely silent and it was quite large, but the Tamyrlin had no trouble getting her voice above others. “I would guess you are all wondering why you are here today. Each of you received an invitation of sorts from your King or Queen. You have all been chosen due to your special qualities.” Hanzen didn’t need to look to see the minor nobles around the room sitting straighter. “In order to figure out who would be best for the assignment we have, we need to question each of you. Those of you who we pick will be told more of that assignment then. As you see, there are quite a few of you and it will take some time to question you all. Therefore we have some entertainment for you and you will be called upon when your time is ready.”

The Tamyrlin got off her chair then and left the room. The Kings and Queens of the land were quick to follow with all of the Aes Sedai and Asha’man shortly thereafter. The room almost instantly broke into a buzz. Moments later, three Gleemen came bounding in. People visibly began to relax as the Gleemen did what they do best. Their patchwork cloaks flying around them as they did somersaults and other crazy things.

Hanzen sat back in his chair. He hadn’t seen Gleemen perform in a long time. He was prepared to enjoy himself now, knowing his time would be up shortly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw three people dressed in all white robes enter the hall, walk over to three separate people, and walk out with them in tow.


T’vena followed the man in white down the hall of the palace. When he had come to get her, she had tried to make him blush. All it had gotten her was a pinch in her hind region and a few laughs around the table she was at. Maybe it was the fact that this man seemed to be a servant of sorts, or maybe it was the fact that he looked like an Aielman, but none of the charms her mother taught her growing up had the slightest effect on him.

T’vena had been waiting for close to an hour in that room watching the Gleemen perform. Ever since she had been a child, it had been a dream of hers to be the greatest Gleeman in the world. She traveled around Arad Doman watching every Gleeman she could. She had managed to get herself into one of the gatherings at the palace in Bandar Eban to watch a court bard. While she was there, she had met the king and he asked if he would join her here. Little did she know that she wasn’t coming with him but merely as his guest. It didn’t truly matter; she had been enjoying watching the three Gleemen work together to entertain the crowd when this man had come to get her.

T’vena almost ran into the man as he stopped at a door. He opened it to let her in but didn’t follow her as she entered. The door closed behind her as she took in everything in the room. There were seven other people here as well as a small table and two chairs. In one of those chairs sat a well dressed man in the colors of Tear. Behind him were one Aes Sedai, one Asha’man, one Aiel woman in a skirt, two other nobles, and a woman in the corner.

The woman in the corner was the one who caught her attention. She had short brown hair and wore breeches and a coat. Her clothes were fancy, but not that of a lady. The Tairen motioned for her to take the seat across from him.

As she sat, he began to speak. “T’vena Elome I presume?” She silently nodded and he continued. “As you see, there are quite a few people here. They are all here for your safety as well as mine. I am here to ask you a few questions. Before I start, I must say that you are allowed to leave now. You will have one more chance to leave after the questioning. If you want no part of this, leave now.”

T’vena looked at the man. What could be so important that they are giving me the chance to leave? I think I’ll stay and learn some more, this might be my big chance. She gave the Tairen one of her looks. “I think I’ll stay”, T’vena replied coyly.

The man across the table from her coughed before continuing, “Right, some more things I must tell you first, one of the channelers behind me is holding a weave which will tell us if you are telling the truth. All answers you give will be recorded as well. Shall we begin?” T’vena nodded and gave him a wink. He cleared his throat again. “Alright, if you are chosen, you will be doing Lightfriend’s work and death is possible. My first question, who are you.”

T’vena looked at the man; she couldn’t believe he just told her she might die. Well, it can’t be that bad. She cleared her throat and said, “T’vena Elome. That one was easy, give me something hard.” She had practiced the look she gave him so often there was no way to get it wrong. The Tairen noble’s eyes widened considerably and he stood straighter in his seat. The women in the room looked at T’vena with scorn.

“Um, right then, next question, who brought you here today?” The man was obviously stuck between his duties and being a man. T’vena could easily tell which he would rather do right now.

“Why, the Great Lord Nazran himself. Told me I was destined to come here today. Now that I’m sitting in this room with you, good lord, I can see why.” T’vena applauded herself for her great performance. Tonight might be a night to bring out her finger symbols.

“I am sorry I must ask this question, Lady T’vena, but are you a Darkfriend?” He visibly cringed when he asked the question, knowing the response would not be good.

“You insult me. Who would ever think that I, T’vena Elome, would ever join the Shadow? No, I am not a Darkfriend. If you ever mention it again, I will take it out of your noble hide.” T’vena’s mood dropped from happy to angry enough to whip this man for his foolishness. His eyes looked defeated.

“Just two more questions T’vena. First, if we chose you, what will you bring to this group?” His voice had begun droning and T’vena smiled to herself. This man was too easy to destroy, she would turn her sights elsewhere tonight.

“What can I bring to the group? I play the finger symbols, I dance, I sing, and I can definitely keep everyone entertained. I do not wear the Gleeman’s cloak, but one day I surely will.” The others in the room were quietly whispering to one another. All except for the lady in the corner, she just had a look on her face, staring at T’vena, almost as if she could see something else.

“The last question, Lady T’vena; are you willing to die for the Light?” T’vena had never actually seen a noble look downcast in front of others before. It was just a look and a wink and he was already clay in her hands.

“The duty of a Gleeman is to put herself in whatever position she can to see Great Events unfold. Then she must live and tell the tale to many people in every land. For that, yes, I would be ready to die.” She smiled to herself. Perfect delivery. From the look in the eyes around the room, T’vena could already tell she was the one to be picked.


Krishena sat quietly on the cushion in the large room.   She had been one of the first few picked to be questioned.   She had told her answers truthfully and thoroughly.   She looked around the room, taking in all there was to see.   Most of the people had been questioned and had returned shortly after.   The room had bee completely full when they started but now there were a few empty seats.   She thought through the questions she had been asked.   Perhaps it was the one about being a Darkfriend.   Maybe that was why some aren’t returning.

The Gleemen had gone to storytelling long ago, allowing one or two to rest while the other told some great tale or sung a song. They had all been here for a few hours and daylight had dwindled long ago. The room had grown quiet long ago, most people tired of waiting for the imminent call.

Krishena took a deep breath to help relax. The air is far too wet. The sooner I return to the Three-fold land, the better. Her eyes slowly drifted across those in the room. There are mostly wetlanders here, not surprising considering where we are. I doubt many could hold their own in a real battle.

Her mother had summoned her and told her they would be coming here. She was told to bring her weapons. Krishena thought her mother pushed her too hard. Her mother had been chosen and taken from the Far Dareis Mai to become a Wise One. Aviendha now stood as one of the more prominent among the Wise Ones of the Taardad Aiel. Being that it was, it only made her mother think her daughter was the best of the Far Dareis Mai and pushed her so much harder to be just that. Krishena did not wish to owe her mother any toh and so she did her best to prove to her mother that she could be the best. It was at this point that Krishena noticed the gaishain standing in front of her.

The short Aielwoman spoke, “Krishena, you have been chosen, please, follow me.” The white-robed gaishain turned and walked towards the door.

Krishena noticed several other gaishain speaking to others in the room. She quickly stood and followed the one who had spoken to her.


Mardius looked at each of the nine others in the room. He had been one of the chosen ones. Mardius, of the Nine Valleys Sept of the Taardad Aiel. He had been a Cor Darei since he was old enough to be in a society. Now he was here, in the wetlands, waiting for a mission.

All the people in the room had introduced themselves, some grudgingly but everyone had. There was Hanzen Sendai of Shienar. Hanzen was almost as tall as Mardius and Mardius was not short among the Aiel. He carried a sword on his back and carried it like he knew how to use it. He had a short sword at his waist and a longbow counterbalanced the sword on his back. His clothing was thick with shades of green and brown which spoke of a cool climate and living in the wilderness. He had green eyes and wore his black hair in a topknot. Hanzen’s shoulders were wider than Mardius’s but Mardius’s spear would surely meet Hanzen’s flesh before Hanzen’s sword met Mardius.

Next was a wetlander girl who seemed to have a permanent look of disgust on her face. That didn’t seem to detract from her natural beauty. Mardius hoped she would never lay a marriage wreath at his feet though. Her name was Lys’sara Delianthe from Ebou Dar in Altara. She moved like a snake ready to bite and Mardius had caught a glimpse of a dagger hidden among her clothing and he doubted it was the only one. Her green eyes and black hair only accented her olive colored skin. She was a head shorter than Mardius but he doubted she would notice.

Next to her stood a wetlander noble. “Gherit Trakand”, he had called himself. His red hair and green eyes almost made him look like one of the Aiel but at his side he carried a thin sword which Mardius thought looked like it would be used more for speed than power. He wasn’t quite as tall as Hanzen, but still tall enough to be Aiel. Mardius thought that Gherit might have had training but probably never used it in a real fight before.

Another wetlander noble stood next to him. Her name had been Saman’tia Andiama. She wore her dress far lower then Mardius thought appropriate, but he was sure it was only to accent her stunning body. Of the wetlander females, she was the tallest and probably used every inch to her advantage. Mardius had been told her tan skin came from the fact that she was from Tear. It was quite a bit further south of here and he had heard he claim it was far too cold for this time of year. Her blond hair and green eyes were not uncommon among the Aiel women, but all the other wetlanders had a much darker complexion compared to her.

Char’len Smithe stood next in line. He had said he was from Andor as Gherit had said before him. Another decently tall wetlander, he stood the same height as Saman’tia next to him. He also carried one of the thinner swords at his waist. Must be an Andoran tradition. His black hair and brown eyes looked more like the wetlanders he was used to thinking of.

Moiraine Mandragoran stood looking at no one, acting as if she did not care about a thing. She had said she was an Aes Sedai in training, but that the Tamyrlin Seat had granted her a respite to come here. She had dark brown hair matched with dark brown eyes. Her dress seemed modest compared to Saman’tia with a high neck and a thicker look. She wasn’t exactly short for a wetlander, but she was almost a head shorter then Mardius.

Thom Farshaw stood next to Moiraine. Like Hanzen, he had a worn look about him like he spent more of his time in the wilderness. He was as tall as Char’len with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He did not look comfortable in the clothing he wore as it was probably the best clothes he had. The sword he had didn’t look like it totally belonged. Mardius figured he knew how to use it but probably would rather not.

Thom had what seemed a permanent red face due to the woman standing on the other side of him. T’vena Elome had given him a look and a wink and Thom’s face had changed from one shade to another. He dress was fashioned just right to accent every curve. It was thin enough to give the impression of transparency but cut high enough to almost seem modest. Mardius moved on quickly not wanting to draw her attention for he feared ending like poor Thom.

Last in the room was the Far Dareis Mai Krishena. He knew her from his clan but that was all. She did not compare look wise to the other women in the room. She obviously hadn’t followed after her mother’s looks. It seemed Krishena had seen one too many battles in her day but Mardius relaxed a little at the thought that one person he knew would be among the party. Being the only Aiel would have been torture of the worst kind. Krishena had blue eyes and blond hair and was not much shorter than Mardius himself. So these are the people who I am expected to work with. It may be an interesting journey after all.


Saman’tia sat in one of the few chairs in the room. She had introduced herself to the others in the room when Gherit had suggested it. She was the daughter of King Estean Andiama, King of Tear. He had taken over for King Darlin Sisnera who had died some years earlier without an heir to the throne. She had met Gherit, once, shortly after her father became king, but she didn’t think he remembered her very well. She knew no one else in the room at the moment beyond names and they all waited patiently for the rest of what was going on.

The door to the room swung open and everyone who had been sitting stood. The Tamyrlin as well as all of the nobles who had guests in the room entered. They closed the door behind them and took chairs. Saman’tia recognized the Queen of Andor, and Altara as well as her father and the King of Arad Doman. She didn’t recognize the Aes Sedai with the long braid nor the Aiel Wise one as well as the few others in the room. With the room being so small and the occupants so many, it seemed quite full. There was a small space along the center of the room between the nobles and the chosen few.

The Tamyrlin spoke again, “You all have been chosen because you are trustworthy and had that special something we were looking for. You have had a chance to introduce yourselves and know who you will be traveling with. At this point, you have one more chance to leave, if you wish to, do so now.”

All those on Saman’tia’s side of the room looked around at each other. Mardius looked like he couldn’t wait and once Krishena saw his face, she put on a look like she would not be defeated. Gherit was smiling and Thom looked confused. T’vena had a calculating look on her face while Char’len looked smug beyond all definition. Hanzen seemed to be fighting with himself and Moiraine was looking at the Tamyrlin. The only person who really seemed about ready to go, though, was Lys’sara. It was at this point that Lys’sara spoke, “What do we get out of this?”

The Tamyrlin looked at Lys’sara and replied, “While you are in the service of the League, all of your expenses will be covered. You will not need to worry about money for any reason as well as having our express consent to do whatever you deem necessary to carry out our orders.” Lys’sara’s eyes went wide at the response and she stepped back to recalculate her decision.

When no one left, the Tamyrlin continued with her original speech, “At this point, it is now too late to leave. Before we send you on a real mission, we must send you on a test. This test is to see how well you all work together. You will be sent to an area west of the White Tower. There is a Trolloc Nest which must not be allowed to use the Waygate near it anymore. Your mission is to permanently close the Waygate. You will be sent to an area in the Black Hills. You must track down the Trolloc camp, destroy the Waygate and return to the point of origin. Do you have any questions?”

Everyone looked around at each other, slowly shaking their heads. The Tamyrlin looked around and continued, “Good, now the details. I doubt any of you know how to shut a Waygate so I will tell you…”

Saman’tia silently thought to herself. Oh blood and ashes, what have I gotten myself into.


Gherit stood in the palace stables. They had been told what to do and had been rushed to get their things ready. The Aes Sedai were making a Gateway to the Black Hills tonight.

Gherit was getting his horse ready with everyone else when they were called back out into the stable yard.

When Gherit got there, the Gateway was open and mothers who were powerful enough to be at the banquet were saying goodbye to their children. Gherit’s mother came up to him. “You be careful out there Gherit, remember, you don’t have to kill the Trollocs, just close the Waygate.” She gave him a tight hug before they were given final orders.

“You must return to the place we let you out within two weeks. If you fail to return by the appointed time, we will assume you failed. Be sure you don’t fail.” The Aes Sedai who had been holding the portal stopped speaking and raised her arm to signal to everyone they must go through. “I will open the portal on this exact spot in the morning two weeks from now. Go now and complete your mission.”

Gherit turned from his mother to head through the Gateway. This is what he had been waiting for. Finally he would get to unfold his adventure.